Bayesian location of the QCD critical point from a holographic perspective

Bayesian location of the QCD critical point from a holographic perspective

Posterior distributions of the QCD critical point location, based on two different set of functions. The predictions overlap at 1σ!

Submitted to ArXiV on September 1, 2023


Bayesian location of the QCD critical point from a holographic perspective


Mauricio Hippert, Joaquin Grefa, T. Andrew Manning, Jorge Noronha, Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler, Israel Portillo Vazquez, Claudia Ratti, Romulo Rougemont, Michael Trujillo


A fundamental question in QCD is the existence of a phase transition at large doping of quarks over antiquarks. We present the first prediction of a QCD critical point (CP) from a Bayesian analysis constrained by first principle results at zero doping. We employ the gauge/gravity duality to map QCD onto a theory of dual black holes. Predictions for the CP location in different realizations of the model overlap at one sigma. Even if many prior samples do not include a CP, one is found in nearly 100% of posterior samples, indicating a strong preference for a CP.


    author = "Hippert, Mauricio and Grefa, Joaquin and Manning, T. Andrew and Noronha, Jorge and Noronha-Hostler, Jacquelyn and Portillo Vazquez, Israel and Ratti, Claudia and Rougemont, Romulo and Trujillo, Michael",
    title = "{Bayesian location of the QCD critical point from a holographic perspective}",
    eprint = "2309.00579",
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    primaryClass = "nucl-th",
    month = "9",
    year = "2023"