The working group is collecting, updating, profiling, and converting into modern language numerical codes that calculate the equation of state (EoS) of various models and effective theories that describe different regions of neutron stars. Realistic finite-temperature EoS modules that contain nuclei, bulk hadronic, and quark matter will be produced in order to describe both low- and high-density regimes.
Each of these EoS modules will be then parallelized and optimized to run on High-Performance Computers (HPC) in order to be integrated into a single, standardized global package that will produce EoSs in different regimes in order to ultimately cover the entire QCD phase diagram. Different transition functions will be available to ensure smoothness whenever necessary. Though a web interface, external users such as astronomers, numerical relativists, and nuclear astrophysicists will be able to select parameters in the EoS package and run a given set of EoS modules with a chosen set of observable by-products on the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). The end result will be insights into how the degrees of freedom inside neutron stars affect gravitational and electromagnetic observables in the strong-field/non-perturbative/out-of-equilibrium regime created inside different evolution stages of neutron stars and their mergers.