MUSES Calculation Engine Tutorial

The tutorial is a Jupyter notebook that allows you to interactively run commands to learn how to use the Calculation Engine. There are many ways to run a Jupyter notebook. The method used here requires Docker to be installed on your machine.

  1. 🛑 STOP! Before you proceed to the tutorial, please follow the steps in the Quick Start Guide guide to ensure that you have a MUSES account and that you are logged into the Calculation Engine.

  1. Download the tutorial files here and unzip them.

  1. Navigate into the tutorial directory, and from there run the script to launch a local JupyterLab server:

    $ bash
    [I ... ServerApp] Jupyter Server 2.14.2 is running at:
    [I ... ServerApp] http://jupyter:8888/tree
    [I ... ServerApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels...

    Once the Docker image has finished downloading and the container is online, open the notebook in your browser at