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Chiral Effective Field Theory (χEFT)

Chiral effective field theory (χEFT) is the low energy realization of QCD with nucleons and pions as degrees of freedom. The theory offers an order-by-order expansion for both two-nucleon and multi-nucleon interactions based on the most general Lagrangian that is consistent with the usual symmetries, particularly the spontaneously broken chiral symmetry.

This module uses nuclear interaction potentials derived from Chiral EFT along with nuclear many-body calculations to predict thermodynamic properties of infinite homogeneous nuclear matter, such as pressure, internal energy, and entropy. The module generates results in a 3-dimensional nuclear phase diagram, allowing for calculations at arbitrary nuclear density, isospin asymmetry, and temperature. This allow it to capture valuable features such as zero-temperature isospin-symmetric nuclear matter as well as the first-order transition from a liquid to a vapor phase at finite temperature.