Lepton Module

The Lepton module is part of the MUSES framework, and it is designed to be used with an input configuration file (the config.yaml).

The code provides the thermodynamic functions of strongly degenerate relativistic free leptons at zero temperature and allows either:

  • Calculating the beta-equilibrium Equation of State (EoS)

  • Neutralizing a nuclear model by adding leptons

  • Calculating a purely leptonic EoS

The first two options are available if a grid EoS is provided with sufficient points in the baryon density and charge fraction. The purely leptonic EoS is required to calculate the Gibbs phase transition in the Synthesis module. The code is mainly a header only library, so it can be easily integrated into other projects.

EoS File Requirements

The EoS input file must contain the following columns, presented in order:



Temperature (T)


Baryon chemical potential (\(\mu_B\))


Strange chemical potential (\(\mu_S\))


Electric charge chemical potential (\(\mu_Q\))


Baryon density (\(n_B\))


Strange density (\(n_S\))


Electric charge density (\(n_Q\))


Energy density (\(\varepsilon\))


Pressure (\(P\))


Entropy density (\(s\))


You can also provide a file with particle properties, which will be interpolated for the beta-equilibrated EoS, provided the first seven columns are identical to EoS input file \((T, \mu_B, \mu_S, \mu_Q, n_B, n_S, n_Q)\) for the interpolator. The lepton densities, chemical potentials, and masses will be appended to this file.

If your model distinguishes between the ‘physical’ baryon density (\(n_B= \partial P/\partial \mu_B\)) and the total baryon density resulting sum of particle densities (\(n_B^{particles}= \sum_i B_i n_i\)), which happens for example in models with potentials that are explicit functions of \(\mu_B\) you can include an additional column after the entropy density for \(n_B^{particles}\) in [fm-3]. This is crucial if neutrinos are used, as the code will calculate the lepton fraction from the particle baryon density (\(Y_L= \sum_{leptons} n_L / n_B^{particles}\)), if provided.

Further information regarding the input and output files can be found in the Open API Specification.

In the context of the MUSES workflow, the output file beta_equilibrium_eos.csv is the principal file, and it serves as input to both the Synthesis and QLIMR modules. To produce this output, the use_beta_equilibrium option must be enabled and the eos_input_file must be provided in the config file.

For the Flavor Equilibration module, the charge_neutrality_flavor_equilibration.csv output is the significant file. To produce it, both the use_charge_neutrality and output_flavor_equilibration options must be enabled, and the files eos_input_file and flavor_equilibration_input_file must be provided in the config file. Currently, the Flavor Equilibration module can only handle electrons, so please do not enable any other particles.

