Lepton Module

The Lepton module is part of the MUSES framework, and it is designed to be used with an input configuration file (the config.yaml).

The code provides the thermodynamic functions of strongly degenerate relativistic free leptons at zero temperature and allows either:

  • Calculating the beta-equilibrium Equation of State (EoS)

  • Neutralizing a nuclear model by adding leptons

  • Calculating a purely leptonic EoS

The first two options are available if a grid EoS is provided with sufficient points in the baryon density and charge fraction. The purely leptonic EoS is required to calculate the Gibbs phase transition in the Synthesis module. The code is a header only library, so it can be easily integrated into other projects.

More information about the module input and output can be found in the OpenAPI Specifications.

Changes from past versions can be found in the CHANGELOG.