Equation of State
The EoS input file is required if the options use_beta_equilibrium or use_charge_neutrality are enabled. It must contain the following columns, presented in order:
Variable |
Unit |
Temperature (T) |
MeV |
Baryon chemical potential (\(\mu_B\)) |
MeV |
Strange chemical potential (\(\mu_S\)) |
MeV |
Electric charge chemical potential (\(\mu_Q\)) |
MeV |
Baryon density (\(n_B\)) |
fm-3 |
Strange density (\(n_S\)) |
fm-3 |
Electric charge density (\(n_Q\)) |
fm-3 |
Energy density (\(\varepsilon\)) |
MeV/fm3 |
Pressure (\(P\)) |
MeV/fm3 |
Entropy density (\(s\)) |
1/fm3 |
If your model distinguishes between the ‘physical’ baryon density (\(n_B= \partial P/\partial \mu_B\)) and the total baryon density resulting sum of particle densities (\(n_B^{particles}= \sum_i B_i n_i\)), please pass the physical baryon density in the fifth EoS file, and append the particle baryon density in the last (11th) column, in fm-3.
This happens, for example, in models with a potential that is an explicit functions of \(\mu_B\). This is crucial if neutrinos are used, as the code will calculate the lepton fraction from the particle baryon density (\(Y_L= n_L / n_B^{particles}\)), if provided.