
This excellent tutorial is what we followed to deploy ArgoCD. The private repo access was provided manually via the ArgoCD web UI by first generating a repo_read API token on GitLab and using it as the password in the Repository settings.


Members of the GitLab group nsf-muses can use the Log in via GitLab button to authenticate to the ArgoCD web UI and control the MUSES Kubernetes cluster deployments.

This authentication via GitLab relies on the GitLab Application accessible in the settings here. This is under control of the nsf-muses group instead of an individual admin’s account.

Command line access

To use the local ArgoCD CLI, use the more complex login command, which will open a browser window to complete the GitHub authentication:

argocd login --grpc-web-root-path /argo-cd --sso


Install ArgoCD manually via Helm:

helm upgrade --install -n argo-cd argo-cd charts/argo-cd

Optionally, add the ArgoCD deployment as an app so ArgoCD can manage itself. Once synced via the ArgoCD web UI, remove the Helm release secret:

$ kubectl delete -n argo-cd secret -l owner=helm,name=argo-cd
secret "sh.helm.release.v1.argo-cd.v1" deleted