Sealed Secrets

Overview of Sealed Secrets:

Sealed Secrets are a “one-way” encrypted Secret that can be created by anyone, but can only be decrypted by the controller running in the target cluster. The Sealed Secret is safe to share publicly, upload to git repositories, post to twitter, etc. Once the SealedSecret is safely uploaded to the target Kubernetes cluster, the sealed secrets controller will decrypt it and recover the original Secret.

We chose Sealed Secrets over alternatives like Vault due to its simplicity. As long as an admin downloads the secret key, all secret file manipulation can be performed locally without access to the Kubernetes cluster. Additionally, secrets can be natively version-controlled within the GitOps deployment repo, which increases reproducibility when for example application configurations are stored as secrets.

How to create sealed secrets

We use a custom script to make generating sealed secrets more convenient. First, construct a YAML file scripts/secret_generator/secrets/secrets.yaml where secrets are specified in plaintext following this example:

- name: argocd-secret
  data: |
    dex.gitlab.clientId: *****
    dex.gitlab.clientSecret: *****
    admin.password: *****
    admin.passwordMtime: *****
    server.secretkey: *****
- name: gitlab-read-api
  data: |
    .dockerconfigjson: |
        "auths": {
          "": {
            "auth": "*****"

Run the Sealed Secret generator script

cd scripts/secret_generator
python3 --file secrets/secrets.yaml 

Copy the contents of the desired secret into the Helm chart secrets.yaml template file. For example, if the keel chart needs a secret gitlab-read-api, then append the YAML content of scripts/secret_generator/sealed-secrets/sealed.gitlab-read-api.secret.yaml to charts/keel/templates/secrets.yaml:

kind: SealedSecret
  annotations: "true"
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: gitlab-read-api
    .dockerconfigjson: AgB...+pq1A=
    data: null
      annotations: "true"
      creationTimestamp: null
      name: gitlab-read-api
    type: Opaque

Master key backup

The master key required to decrypt the Sealed Secrets was downloaded for backup purposes following the documentation here:

kubectl get secret -n sealed-secrets \
    -l -o yaml \
    >> sealed-secrets-master-key.yaml