Quick Start Guide

Calculation Engine


This code was originally described in Du et al. 2019 and improved upon Du et al. 2022 with nuclei. The source code is available on github. The installation of Boost, GSL (versions 1.16 and later), HDF5 (versions 1.8.14 and later), and more current version of O2scl (version 0.928 or later) is required in order to compile the code to generate and analyze EOS tables. You do not need to compile the code to use the EOS tables - they can be read by any application which reads HDF5 files. The EOS tables are available to download at our website

Build the docker image

To build the crust-dft code inside a docker container:

Clone the GitHub repository. Particularly the muses branch.

git clone https://github.com/np3m/e4mma && \
cd e4mma && \
git checkout muses && git checkout 9885d74da3d0aafbf13d403cfffe7025bb424a67

The dockerfile Dockerfile uses a multistage docker build to build a minimal image with the executable eos_nuclei in it. The user can build the docker image inside the e4mma folder themselves using

docker build . -t nostrad1/utk-eos:v1.9.2

However, the process is lengthy, and it is advised to just download the already built image from dockerhub.

Download the docker image

To download the built image from dockerhub the user can use

docker pull nostrad1/utk-eos:v1.9.2

Running the module

After either building or downloading the image, the user needs a configuration file config.yaml in the input folder and an EOS table file in the data folder.

To generate config.yaml, run the yaml_generator.py in the src folder like:

cd ../src
python3 yaml_generator.py \
        --output_format HDF5 \
    --nB_grid_spec '150,10^(i*0.04-12)*2.0' \
        --Ye_grid_spec '30,0.01*(i+1)' \
    --inc_lepton false

Download an EOS table and copy it to the data/ folder as EOS_table.o2. This is done, so the calculations are much faster. Since the code reads the table and creates an output with the MUSES standard. The tables and their contents are explained in developer guide.

curl https://isospin.roam.utk.edu/public_data/eos_tables/du21/fid_3_5_22.o2 --output data/EOS_table.o2

The user can run docker_run_mount.sh script locally inside the test folder to mount the local input, output and data folders inside the e4mma folder to the container and execute the function utk_for_lepton inside the container with default configuration that creates the crust-dft output for lepton module in the output folder in csv format.

bash docker_run_mount.sh

This grabs the config.yaml file, validates it, runs the crust-dft code with the validated configuration and afterwards post-processes the output using muses-porter.

Possible inputs for the module:

  • output format: format of the output files for Lepton module (either csv or hdf5)

  • verbose: verbosity parameter for the code.(either 0,1,2)

  • nB_grid_spec: the function for default baryon density grid. 'N,func(i)',

    i takes values from 0-N and func(i) fills up the grid . The user can change the grid length N and the desired function (default: '301,10^(i*0.04-12)*2.0') nB_grid ranges from in \(2.0\times10^{-12}-2~\mathrm{fm^{-3}}\). Values outside this range will be ignored for now

  • Ye_grid_spec: The function for default electron fraction grid. 'N,func(i)',

    i takes values from 0-N and func(i) fills up the grid. The user can change the grid length N and the desired function (default: '70,0.01*(i+1)'). Ye_grid ranges from in \(1.0\times10^{-2}-0.7\). Values outside this range will be ignored for now

  • inc_lepton: whether to include leptons or not (boolean, default: False)

More functions will be added later.

Use Crust-DFT inside docker

If the user wants to get into the container and run the code from inside, use

docker run -it --rm --name crust-dft -u 0:0 \
-v "${PWD}/input:/opt/eos/input" \
-v "${PWD}/output:/opt/eos/output" \
-v "${PWD}/data:/opt/eos/data" \
nostrad1/utk-eos:v1.9.2 /bin/bash

in the e4mma folder to get into the container. Creating a user specific config.yaml is similar inside the container as well. Finally, run run_utk_for_lepton.sh script inside the test folder using

bash run_utk_for_lepton.sh

to validate the config.yaml generate the crust-dft output file from the user-specified configuration and post-process the file in the specified format in the output directory.